I don't know when it was suggested and by whom, but cycling to west coast is not really the best idea in the world. You see, we were so damn bored because we've practically done everything entertaining in Singapore.
Chengyong looked like a China worker, the hair and the bike with a basket in front hahaha.
Joel had a monstrous bike which had to much power.
My bike had 2 tires that weren't inflatable.
We rushed to West Coast as Serena was waiting for us there, we took the Jurong Town Hall Road/ West Coast highway route. Incredibly lengthy, we took about an hour to get there and by the time we did, i was shit tired. Had nice talk by the sea and on the way back at Clementi Bus interchange, my tire gave way... it was making a crazy irritating sound due to thick rubbing turning on cement.
No really, i suspect that the tubing in the back wheel somehow imploded because of all the stress it had taken in this past few years. And because I'm heavy..
So i was stubbornly riding back with the 2 guys watching my back in case my bike really really died. It was damn difficult to move, felt like the back tire was just a metal wheel. I couldn't take it after awhile and decided to walk, singing to the song's on Cy's phone. It was really nice. After Joel's place, i tired to cycle again. That was when my gear gave way... I really think i need a new bike... The walk home was long but somehow refreshing.
Joel dared to suggest Vivo as our next destination. Why don't you just die boy.






Chengyong looked like a China worker, the hair and the bike with a basket in front hahaha.
Joel had a monstrous bike which had to much power.
My bike had 2 tires that weren't inflatable.
We rushed to West Coast as Serena was waiting for us there, we took the Jurong Town Hall Road/ West Coast highway route. Incredibly lengthy, we took about an hour to get there and by the time we did, i was shit tired. Had nice talk by the sea and on the way back at Clementi Bus interchange, my tire gave way... it was making a crazy irritating sound due to thick rubbing turning on cement.
No really, i suspect that the tubing in the back wheel somehow imploded because of all the stress it had taken in this past few years. And because I'm heavy..
So i was stubbornly riding back with the 2 guys watching my back in case my bike really really died. It was damn difficult to move, felt like the back tire was just a metal wheel. I couldn't take it after awhile and decided to walk, singing to the song's on Cy's phone. It was really nice. After Joel's place, i tired to cycle again. That was when my gear gave way... I really think i need a new bike... The walk home was long but somehow refreshing.
Joel dared to suggest Vivo as our next destination. Why don't you just die boy.






how do you make the light beams. mind sharing.
Sure, gf taught me. Shutter 1.6", Aperture 6.3 - 7.1. You can use flash if you want to, it'll be clearer but a lot brighter. After taking, wave your camera around like a crazy fool. hahaha
thanks (:
welcome =)
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