So I’m in this little house along Browertown Road in New Jersey, looking out the dark window on my right watching snow petals flicker along the glass. A cozy warm house with orange lights; it feels peaceful. I landed only about 2 hours ago. I can make a photo journal accounting the trip today/night.
December 19th 8.00am
December 19th 8.00am
Vannessa came over to follow us to the airport where she said goodbye. I know it’ll only be for 2 weeks but I don’t understand why being away for this period makes me feel so messed up and confused inside. I guess it’s because I’m so used to having her around and that I really, really with the bottom of my heart, wished that she was here. We could be lying down in the snow and stuffing it into our faces, laughing and shivering in embrace. Take long walks and watch the condensed smoke leave our lips. Well, even though she’s not here to share this with me, it’s certainly something to look forward to, it really is.
Vannessa came over to follow us to the airport where she said goodbye. I know it’ll only be for 2 weeks but I don’t understand why being away for this period makes me feel so messed up and confused inside. I guess it’s because I’m so used to having her around and that I really, really with the bottom of my heart, wished that she was here. We could be lying down in the snow and stuffing it into our faces, laughing and shivering in embrace. Take long walks and watch the condensed smoke leave our lips. Well, even though she’s not here to share this with me, it’s certainly something to look forward to, it really is.

December 19th approximately 10.40am
We left, I was supposed to be the one walking away, occasional turns, disappear into an angle she could not catch. But I walked back after awhile wanting to see her face for one last time, but i only saw her walking away towards the exit, wondering if she felt the same way…
From there we went onto the plane to Hong Kong. We were the last to board and I think kinda held the plane back a little.
It was a short ride but I hated the plane. Landed and went to transit.
HongKong's Airport
We walked a lot, sat at Starbucks to have some coffee, preparing for the long ride ahead, dreading it.
I don’t really like flying for long distances, 15 to 16 hours of sitting in a chair facing a screen which really isn’t entertaining at all. Can people who are claustrophobic sit on planes? But then again looking out the view is so, so beautiful it may cause epiphanies
Anyway we boarded and I came across a most peculiar sight which really amused/interested me.
A no smoking sign next to a smoking tray on the airplane
Sorry the picture a little blured out but its the type of pull-out trays. So i meant it means that you can smoke there right? right?
Wait i just found another perculiar sight

The pilot announced that we will be delayed because of the heavy traffic flying/taxi-ing into the JFK. We had to fly above the Big Apple for 40mins before we were able to land. After that we had to wait for the plane occupying our lot for another 20 bloody long minutes. That’s not the end of it, when we alighted there was a freakishly long “Visitors” queue while the “Natives” queue was empty. So we waited another hour or more to stand at the front of the line when I noticed that there were only about 6 or 7 lanes open out of about 15 or 18. So all in all the ETA was supposed to be at 7.20. We left JFK after 10…
After which our cousins were kind enough to drive us back to their place.
In the car
My Aunt Tracy
It was nice Skyping with Vannessa, it felt like days since I last saw her, it was in the afternoon in Singapore and past midnight here in NJ. Also she just left for Bangkok… stay safe. These 2 weeks are going to be long after all… I miss you.
So here I am, December 20th 2008 2.46am NY/NJ time, 3.46 Singapore time.
Oh and Macy's is nearby, might go there tmr.
Lastly, even though i've only had my camera for a day, it seems like i'm starting to get the hang of it.
What a mother of a long day…
December 20th... Happy 7th month Vannessa =) can't wait to see you. Love you.
enjoy yr trip! :)
thanks =)
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