Friday, December 12, 2008

Today is last paper day =DDD
Which means one whole week of fun before i leave la.
I must have a list of things to do for the whole week. Something like,
  1. Spend as much time with girlfriend/friends as humanly possible.
  2. Pre-celebrate Christmas/New Year with everyone.
  3. Pack for trip
  4. Finish 'Friends' so that i can return to Video Ezy and stop that stupid $2/day fine.
  5. Good question, i don't know, bum around and relax.
  6. Oh figure out what to really buy in states, must go prepared.
  7. Party.
  8. Finish that bloody final paper first.

Well, i should sleep, tomorrow's paper is going to be a disaster, I'm sure of it.

8 . 7

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